
Wiki Edit -> Nigeria

Village : Durbunde
Country : Nigeria
Dear Durbunde people we have started this to publish all village details around the world. Durbunde is a village located in the district of state. You are welcome to provide more information about Durbunde. It can be under the following category.

Durbunde map

The following Durbunde map is from google. Durbunde map consist of nearest villages and more information based on the zooming. You can enlarge or minimize the map zooming level based on your requirement.

About village :

Durbunde is a village with many population.The people of durbunde were very nice,they dont want to cause trouble with anyone.Is a village with educated people both islamic and northern education.This is a village where would develop rapidly.Durbunde is a place where peaple outside would like to visit,is a very enjoyment village.You could enjoy yourself nicely.The people of durbunde are running a business in a day to day hours,they are very hardworkers and selfreliance.This village is a very proud to takai and kano state in general.Is a village which hausa/fulani were dominated.And also durbunde is a place with maximum security.No stealng,home robbery will occur in a village.The number of crooks within durbunde is 0%,is a place where you can invest.Is very peaceful village.The traditional rulers were treating everybody equally,no sentiments or selffish.This is some few words about durbunde
Written by : Awwal Durbunde , Posting id :125604 , Date : 2012/12/30-00:31:52 CDT , Report

Festival :

People of durbunde were enjoying difference festivals.Fastivals which include id mubarak and id kabir celebration.Most of people of durbunde they are doing traditional festivals annually which include taushan fage and so on.People of durbunde were very respecting traditional festivals.
Written by : Muhammad durbunde , Posting id :125608 , Report

Temple / Church / Mosque/ Gurdwara :

Over fifty mosques was built in durbune village.
Written by : Awwal , Posting id :125611 , Report

Other detail:

Over fifty mosques was built in durbune village.
Written by : Awwal , Posting id :125612 , Report
