Wiki Edit -> USA -> Micronesia -> Chuuk -> Oror En Nukonap

Place Oror En Nukonap
County Chuuk
State Micronesia
Country United States of America
Continent North America
Time Zone (UTC-4 to -12, +10, +11), Summer (DST), (UTC-4 to -10[d])
Currency USA Doller (USD)
Dialing Code +1
Date format MM/DD/YYYY
Driving side Right side
Internet cTLD .us .gov .mil .edu
Language American English
Time difference minutes

Oror En Nukonap is located in the county of Chuuk of the state of Micronesia, United States of America. The latitude 7.3547222 and longitude 151.7875 are the decimal geocoordinate of the Oror En Nukonap.

The official language of Oror En Nukonap

Most of the Oror En Nukonap people speak American English. They also use American English for writing system and they use at schools and education institution. Oror En Nukonap people use American English language for communication.

Oror En Nukonap currency code, date format and dialing code

The vehicle driving side in Oror En Nukonap is right, all vehicles should take right side during driving. Oror En Nukonap people are using its national currency which is United States doller and its internationl currency code is USD. Oror En Nukonap phones and mobiles can be accesed by adding the united states country dialing code +1 from abroad. Oror En Nukonap people are following the yyyy/mm/dd date format in day-to-day life. Oror En Nukonap domain name extension( cTLD) is .us .

Nearest airport to Oror En Nukonap

Oror En Nukonap‘s nearest airport / helipad is Truck Airport situated at 8.1 miles distance. Few more airports around Oror En Nukonap are as follows.
Truck Airport 8.1 Miles / 13.1 KM.
Chuuk International Airport 8.3 Miles / 13.3 KM.
Ponape Airport 303.8 Miles / 489.0 KM.
Pohnpei International Airport 440.9 Miles / 709.5 KM.
Andersen Air Force Base 633.7 Miles / 1019.9 KM.

Schools in and around Oror En Nukonap

The nearest school to Oror En Nukonap‘s is Parem School situated at 0.6 miles distance. Few more schools around Oror En Nukonap are as follows.
Parem School 0.6 Miles / 0.9 KM.
Eot School 4 Miles / 6.5 KM.
Tsis School 4.2 Miles / 6.7 KM.
Nechap School 5.1 Miles / 8.2 KM.
Udot School 5.3 Miles / 8.5 KM.

Beaches in and around Oror En Nukonap

Oror En Nukonap‘s nearest beach is Unuso situated at 4.1 miles distance. Few more beach around Oror En Nukonap are as follows.
Unuso 4.1 Miles / 6.6 KM.
Ununou 7.8 Miles / 12.6 KM.
Nipik En Lidakihka 440.5 Miles / 708.9 KM.
Pikenkid 448.8 Miles / 722.2 KM.
Ulomnia Beach 629.1 Miles / 1012.5 KM.

Hospitals in and around Oror En Nukonap

Oror En Nukonap‘s nearest hospital is Ponape State Hospital situated at 441.6 miles distance. Few more hospital around Oror En Nukonap are listed as follows.
Ponape State Hospital 441.6 Miles / 710.7 KM.
Guam Memorial Hospital 638 Miles / 1026.7 KM.
United States Naval Hospital 638.8 Miles / 1028.1 KM.
United States Naval Hospital Annex 640.3 Miles / 1030.4 KM.
Leprosarium 673 Miles / 1083.1 KM.

Falls in and around Oror En Nukonap

Oror En Nukonap‘s nearest falls is Malojloj Falls situated at 630.1 miles distance. Few more falls around Oror En Nukonap are as follows.
Malojloj Falls 630.1 Miles / 1014.0 KM.
Inarajan Falls 631.4 Miles / 1016.2 KM.
Talofofo Falls 632.1 Miles / 1017.2 KM.
Tarzan Falls 636.2 Miles / 1023.8 KM.
Sigua Falls 637.4 Miles / 1025.8 KM.

Island in and around Oror En Nukonap

Oror En Nukonap‘s nearest island is Parem situated at 0.4 miles distance. Few more island around Oror En Nukonap are listed as follows.
Parem 0.4 Miles / 0.6 KM.
Totiu 1.3 Miles / 2.1 KM.
Oan 2.4 Miles / 3.9 KM.
Fefan 3.5 Miles / 5.6 KM.
Eot Island 4 Miles / 6.5 KM.

Park in and around Oror En Nukonap

Merizo Martyrs Monument is the nearest park to Oror En Nukonap which is situated around 633.2 miles away from Oror En Nukonap. Few more park around Oror En Nukonap are listed as follows.
Merizo Martyrs Monument 633.2 Miles / 1019.0 KM.
Gilkeson Field 633.6 Miles / 1019.7 KM.
Magellan Monument 634.9 Miles / 1021.7 KM.
Admiral William E Leahy Sports Complex 635.4 Miles / 1022.5 KM.
Father Diego Luis de Sanvitores Monument 637.3 Miles / 1025.6 KM.

Church in and around Oror En Nukonap

The nearest church to Oror En Nukonap‘s is Saint Elizabeth Church which is located around 4.7 miles away from Oror En Nukonap. Few more church around Oror En Nukonap are as follows.
Saint Elizabeth Church 4.7 Miles / 7.6 KM.
Unupuker Church 5.2 Miles / 8.4 KM.
Wisapan Church 6 Miles / 9.6 KM.
Logan Memorial Church 6.2 Miles / 10.0 KM.
Pukuou 7.6 Miles / 12.2 KM.

Some places sounds alike Oror En Nukonap

Oror En Aranga - FM, Oror En Awachang - FM, Ororen Chorong - FM, Oror En Epin - FM, Oror En Epinup - FM, Ororen Fais - FM, Oror En Faison - FM, Ororen Fakowon - FM, Ororen Fananowas - FM, Oror En Fanip - FM, Ororen Fanomo - FM, Ororen Fansafak - FM, Oror En Faro - FM, Oror En Fein - FM, Oror En Kokuso - FM, Oror En Konik - FM,

Places around Oror En Nukonap

The surrounding nearby villages and its distance from Oror En Nukonap are Opun 0.4 Miles., Oror En Fanip 0.5 Miles., Peniemuan 0.6 Miles., Nengeon 1.1 Miles., Oror En Penior 1.4 Miles., Ununo 2 Miles., Oror En Ununo 2 Miles., Fongen 2.2 Miles., Onongoch 2.4 Miles., Oror En Fein 2.8 Miles.

Oror En Nukonap map

The following Oror En Nukonap map is from google. Oror En Nukonap map consist of nearest villages and more information based on the zooming. You can enlarge or minimize the map zooming level based on your requirement.
Dear Oror En Nukonap people we have started this to publish all village details around the world. We are trying our best to provide correct information even though there may be a variation in data and information due to technical, programming etc. So please confirm correctness of our information before use. We are not liable in any way for the correctness of the information. ALL THE ABOVE DISTANCE INFORMATION ARE CALCULATED BASED ON STRAIGHT LINE DISTANCE. You are welcome to provide more information about Oror En Nukonap.